Police Nonlethal Force Manual
Bill Clede
The author offers a solution to law enforcement officers who don't want to kill their prisoners or suspects—but want them to do what they're told. Featuring a variety of techniques which often hurt a lot but leave little bruising or scarring, the manual describes the options available to the police officer, including asserting dominance in such basic ways as using a firm tone of voice and the proper posture. Illustrates both hand-holds and tools (including everyday objects such as flashlights and the sap glove, as well as more unusual martial-arts weapons such as the Yawara stick) that can be used to gain cooperation through pain-compliance, and allow the law-enforcement professional to assert his or her authority with a minimum of danger to themselves. Extensive illustrations demonstrate techniques and weaponry. NN
Publisher: Police Bookshelf
Hardback: 128 pages