Weird Tales of Basil Wolverton

William Poundstone

Tells the secret recipe for oysters Rockefeller, the location of the federal government’s underground bunker for use in a nuclear war, the phone company’s own unlisted numbers, and more than a hundred other secrets.

Publisher: 3-D Zone
Paperback: 256 pages

Amazon Attack 3-D

“Fans of female wrestling are gonna love this! Great cover by Howard Chaykin over classic ENEG (Gene Bilbrew) stories from the early 1950s of battling gals inside.”

Publisher: 3-D Zone
Pamphlet: 24 pages

Bikini Battle 3-D

“R. Crumb loved the subject matter so much he consented to provide great new cover art for this book which is featured inside as a 3-D centerspread! More action ENEG stories of distaff conflict.”

Publisher: 3-D Zone
Pamphlet: 24 pages

The Deep Image

“Comprehensive overview of the history of 3-D from its invention in 1850 to present day with holograms and computers. 40 page book has 16 pages of great 3-D images: antique stereo views, 3-D movies and comics, outer space and more.”

Publisher: 3-D Zone
Pamphlet: 24 pages

Forbidden 3-D

“Inside story of 1950s comic book censorship with documentary stories straight off the public record. Gorgeous cover paintings and interior art by Chuck Roblin.”

Publisher: 3-D Zone
Pamphlet: 24 pages

Mondo 3-D

“Weird but true images and stories of bizarre customs: Includes 3-D photos from the 19th century by James Ricalton with comic stories by Carol Lay, Byron Werner and Dan Clowes. Amazing Robert Williams wraparound cover painting. Not for the faint of heart!”

Publisher: 3-D Zone
Pamphlet: 24 pages

Weird Tales of Basil Wolverton

“Basil Wolverton was one of the most innovative creators in the comic book field… In 1955 when the comics controversy came crashing down, Wolverton left the comic book field and began writing and illustrating stories from the Bible for Ambassador Press. A series of images from the Book of Revelation are amazingly detailed and every bit as grim as the horror comics of the pre-code era. Six of these intricately rendered nightmares are represented here in a Doomsday 3-D Gallery, and this is the first time they have appeared in a comic book and 3-D.”

Publisher: 3-D Zone
Pamphlet: 32 pages