They Married Adventure: The Wandering Lives of Martin and Osa Johnson
Pascal James Imperato and Eleanor M. Imperato
Romance! Danger! Animals! Picture Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in a Tarzan picture. “Martin and Osa Johnson thrilled American audiences of the ‘20s and ‘30s with their remarkable movies of faraway places, exotic peoples and the dramatic spectacle of wildlife… [they] seemed to embody glamour, daring and the all-American ideal of self-reliance.” Their travelogs—such as Simba, Congorilla and Borneo—humanized the wonders of the world. The “handsome pair from Kansas” even sparked a dance craze, the Congorilla. They were a special pair of footloose pioneers, except for that little imperialist/racist baggage thing they carried with them: “The high point of laughs was when the pygmies ate soap, blew up a balloon that burst, and tried to light cigars. And how those brown midgets go into their dance…” GR
Publisher: Rutgers University
Hardback: 313 pages