Socialists and the Fight Against Anti-Semitism: An Answer to the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League

Peter Seidman

“The real record of the fight to open U.S. borders to refugees from Hitler’s terror.”

Publisher: Pathfinder
Paperback: 31 pages

Violence in the Workplace: A Company Guide to Prevention and Management

S. Anthony Baron, Ph.D.

Taking this book at face value as a serious guide to defusing potentially lethal situations—well, let’s just say that you’d be advised to spend your money on Kevlar vests and your time planning escape routes. Guidebooks of this type are always fine sources of campy case studies and amusingly vague advice, and this one is no exception. But the best thing here is that the case studies name names and give details not commonly known about recent workplace shootings. Duck and cover! JM

Publisher: Pathfinder
Paperback: 176 pages

The Assassination of Malcolm X

George Breitman, Herman Porter and Baxter Smith

“Who killed Malcolm X? What are the ideas they tried to silence? Exposes the cover-up surrounding Malcolm’s murder—and the attempts to mutilate his revolutionary message.” Raises the question of government involvement in the assassination. Provides background on the black leader and analyzes the trial, pointing to alleged discrepancies and unanswered questions that indicate wider culpability. Appendix of the FBI documents.

Publisher: Pathfinder
Paperback: 196 pages

By Any Means Necessary

Malcolm X

Contains examples of Malcolm X’s writings in his last year, when he had broken with the Black Muslims and started his own Organization of Afro-American Unity. “I read in one book where George Washington exchanged a black man for a keg of molasses. Why, that black man could have been my grandfather. You know what I think of old George Washington.”

Publisher: Pathfinder
Paperback: 191 pages

The Last Year of Malcolm X: The Evolution of a Revolutionary

George Breitman

Study of Malcolm X’s political development after he left the Nation of Islam. Analyzes the split between Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad, and charts the evolution of Malcolm’s views on organizing the black community and on questions of separatism and black nationalism.

Publisher: Pathfinder
Paperback: 169 pages

What Is Surrealism? Selected Writings

André Breton

“Contrary to prevalent misdefinitions, Surrealism is not an aesthetic doctrine, nor a philosophical system, nor a mere literary or artistic school. It is an unrelenting revolt against a civilization that reduces all human aspirations to market values, religious impostures, universal boredom and misery.” This collection of writing and manifestos by Breton continues to be one of the most thorough introductions to Breton and Surrealism, outlining the basic tenets, history and influencing factors of the movement. The book presents his work in chronological order, and includes a selection of documents and writings. The reader gains not only a sense of Breton and his significance in the spread of Surrealism, but also gains some familiarity with his fellow artists and writers; how alchemy, Freud and Hegel influenced Breton; how he employed unusual creative techniques such as automatic writing; but most of all how Surrealism is a way of viewing the universe rather than just another “ism.” MM

Publisher: Pathfinder
Paperback: 557 pages