Codes and Couriers for Secure Communications
Book and disk combination, dealing with types of codes. “Designed to allow individuals and companies who must exchange sensitive personal or business information, to develop and maintain a secure method of trading information with each other.” Includes Cypher Pad for Windows, a double substitution cypher. “Cryptologically, it works by converting the letters of the original file and of the Key into ASCII codes, and mathematically manipulating these codes… to produce the encrypted message.” Since the encryption Key consists of up to 15 spaces, a Pentium PC would take several thousand centuries to break the random combination of letters making up the code. The CIA and NSA, however, do not have this difficulty. It is only their effort that is keeping 36-space-plus Keys off the commercial market—and those would be near impossible for others to break. GR
Publisher: Flores
Paperback: 118 pages