Mind Control in the U. S. Prison System
Edited by Elizabeth Russell-Manning
“The Secret, Illegal and Unconstitutional Torture and Abuse of Prisoners (Through Non-Lethal Weaponry) by U.S. Department of Corrections, in Cooperation With NIJ, Senate and Congress.” A bound and xeroxed compilation of documents, complaints, press releases and articles. FLA
Publisher: Flatland
Paperback: 265 pages
Sovereign American’s Handbook
Johnny Liberty
Walter Bowart: Interview 3/12/95
Dave Emory
Mary, Ferrie and the Monkey Virus: The Story of an Underground Medical Laboratory
Edward T. Haslam
Why was a prominent cancer researcher, Dr. Mary Sherman, involved in an underground medical laboratory with a violent political extremist, David Ferrie? Is there actually a connection between the JFK assassination and AIDS? Ferrie was working on an alleged cancer cure; Sherman was murdered and her body set on fire, and her records are missing to this day. Haslam has raised some intriguing questions. FLA
Publisher: Flatland
Paperback: 258 pages
Character Analysis
Wilhelm Reich
Etheric Weather Engineering on the High Seas
Trevor James Constable
The Function of the Orgasm
Wilhelm Reich
Listen, Little Man!
Wilhelm Reich
Reich sounds off in one of the all-time classics rants. “I am very deeply afraid of you, Little Man. That has not always been so. Imyself was a Little Man, among millions of Little Men. Then Ibecame a natural scientist and a psychiatrist, and Ilearned to see how very sick you are and how dangerous you are in your sickness. I learned to see the fact that it is your own emotional sickness, and not an external power, which, every hour and every minute, suppresses you, even though there may be no external pressure. You would have overcome the tyrants long ago had you been alive inside and healthy. Your oppressors come from your own ranks as in the past they came from the upper strata of society. They are even littler than you are, Little Man. For it takes a good dose of littleness to know your misery from experience and then to use this knowledge to suppress you still better, still harder.”
Publisher: Flatland
Paperback: 128 pages
The Mass Psychology of Fascism
Wilhelm Reich
Landmark analysis of fascism in Germany and Russia—everywhere. Reich defines fascism as revolutionary emotions, irrational ideas and actions. This book signed Reich’s death warrant in Germany. Chapters include: “Ideology as a Material Force”; “The Authoritarian Ideology of the Family”; “Racial Purity, Blood Poisoning and Mysticism”; “Deconstruction of the Symbolism of the Swastika”; “Organized Mysticism as an International Anti-Sexual Organization.” FLA
Publisher: Flatland
Paperback: 400 pages