Adolf Hitler and the Secrets of the Holy Lance

Colonel Howard Buechner and Captain Wilhelm Bernhart

“‘He who holds the lance (which shed the blood of Christ) controls the destiny of the world for good or evil.’ Hitler held the lance for seven years (1938-1945). When he sent it to an ultrasecret hiding place, he unleashed an incredible series of events. Read about the location of Hitler’s treasure, mysterious Wewelsburg castle, Himmler’s SS Knights of the Lance, U-boat voyages to Antarctica and South America, and many other astounding disclosures.”

Publisher: Adventures Unlimited
Paperback: 223 pages

NASA, Nazis and JFK: The Torbitt Document and the Kennedy Assassination

Kenn Thomas and David Hatcher Childress

“In 1970, a photocopied manuscript began circulating among conspiracy researchers entitled ‘Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal’ by William Torbitt, (a pseudonym). The Torbitt Document was a damning exposé of J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson, John Connally and Werner von Braun, among many others, for their role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This first-published edition of the Torbitt Document emphasizes what the manuscript says about the link between Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists working for NASA, the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC), the assassination of JFK, and the secret Nevada air base known as Area 51.”

Publisher: Adventures Unlimited
Paperback: 224 pages

The Anti-Gravity Handbook

Compiled by D. Hatcher Childress

This strange compilation levitates from Buck Rogers and the ancient Indians of the Rama Empire to Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, pursuing that technological holy grail of zero G. Highlights include ads for flying saucer-style VTOL planes from the Moller Corp. and a collection of “anti-gravity comix.”

Publisher: Adventures Unlimited
Paperback: 191 pages

The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla with David Hatcher Childress

Lots of neat pictures and descriptions of Tesla's various patented inventions including his “amazing death ray” and other “unusual inventions”; the Supreme Court documents on the dismantling of Wardenclyffe Tower; a complete bibliography; and the never-before-told story of how he and Guglielmo Marconi faked their deaths, moved to a secret compound deep in the Amazon jungle, built a fleet of anti-gravity-powered flying saucers and flew them to Mars in the late '40s, where they may or may not have built a few pyramids and the famous “face.” DB

Publisher: Adventures Unlimited
Paperback: 340 pages

Tesla Technology Series Volume 1: The Problem of Increasing Human Energy and the Wireless Transmission of Power

Nikola Tesla

Publisher: Adventures Unlimited
Paperback: 92 pages

Man-Made UFOs: 1944-1994 — 50 Years of Suppression

David Hatcher Childress and Renato Vesco

An ode to American, Soviet and Canadian government cover-ups of anti-gravity technology since the end of WW II that calls “ufology” a hoax and claims flying saucers are not from outer space but were secret vehicles of the master race, captured and developed by the Allies. “We know from reproductions of the drawings of Schriever, Bellanzo and Miethe that a flying-saucer project, no matter how primitive at the time, was definitely on the list of German military priorities.” This theory is then used to explain Foo Fighters, the Feuerball and secret Nazi underground bases in the Antarctic and goes on to cover Project Blue Book, suction aircraft, Athodyds, the AVRO-car, Marconi’s secret saucer base, and other esoteric enigmas. Illustrated with photos, drawings and magazine reprints. GR

Publisher: Adventures Unlimited
Paperback: 372 pages

Underground Bases and Tunnels

Richard Sauder, Ph.D.

“Go behind the scenes into little-known corners of the public record and discover how corporate America has worked hand-in-glove with the Pentagon for decades—dreaming about, planning and actually constructing secret underground bases. And newly uncovered information indicates that the strangeness continues with bizarre, high-tech gadgets like portable, hand-held surgical lasers and injectable electronic IDs as small as a grain of rice!”

Publisher: Adventures Unlimited
Paperback: 142 pages