Unveiling the Edge of Time: Black Holes, White Holes, Worm Holes

John Gribbin

A bright and breezy travelogue on the theoretical wonders of the universe, this is science journalism given a Star Trek turn. Publishers Weekly says: “Something else again… Gribbon is having fun… A book that rejoices in paradoxes and delights in reporting that nothing bizarre—baby universes, bubble universes, universe-sized black holes, energy extraction and time travel through wormholes—is denied by the laws of physics.” Chapters on “Warping Space and Time,” “Hyperspace Connections,” “Two Ways To Build a Time Machine,” “Cosmic Connections” and “Dense Stars.” Fascinating, as Spock would say with a raised eyebrow. GR

Publisher: Crown
Paperback: 248 pages

The Damned Universe of Charles Fort

Louis Kaplan

Called a “scientific tramp and swindler” by his detractors and “grand tourist of the unexplained” by his champions, American cosmographer Charles Hoy Fort (1874-1932) compiled four fascinating volumes—Book of the Damned, New Lands, Lo! and Wild Talents—crammed with dada-style data. “Fort called this crazy collection of outcasted data ‘the procession of the damned’—rains of frogs, black snow in Switzerland, sightings of the unidentified, the spontaneous combustion of bodies, or the telekinetic powers of poltergeist girls.” He was a “Dataist” and his “obsessive collection of anomalous and exceptional data rejected by the sciences of his day” allowed him to make whimsical, “likely-unlikely pseudo-conclusions” about the bizarre nature of our universe. “I think we’re fished for… I think we’re property… There are oceans of blood somewhere in the sky… Many little stone crosses have been found. A race of tiny beings. They crucified cockroaches… ,” etc. Collects “the most inspiring and entertaining of Fort’s texts in a wild montage… a cosmic vision which bombards the borders of fact and fantasy, metaphysics and nonsense, truth and hoax, science and the occult, the arcane and the frivolous.” GR

Publisher: Autonomedia
Paperback: 156 pages

Disneyland of the Gods

John A. Keel

The Earth is “owned” by somebody or something, concluded Charles Fort, the noted super-compiler of weird world events. Keel elaborates on this theme with more reports of trickster spirits, snallygasters and sea serpents, farfrotskis, oopths and other Fortean arcana in this compilation of odd articles first written for Saga magazine. “When we have finally scrambled or crawled our way through the unfortunate 20th century we may look back and realize with a terrible shock that Charles Hoy Fort towers above… all the other alleged giants of these hundred years that ate saints and farted Hitlers,” says the author. “Fort squeezed the udders of the sacred cow of science, and he made us recognize that we were living in an age of miracles—an age when kitchen sinks could fall from the skies.” GR

Publisher: IllumiNet
Paperback: 175 pages

Fire from Heaven

Michael Harrison

Microwaveable humans that cook from the inside out! Flesh and fireworks! “Billy Thomas Peterson, of Pontiac, Michigan, was found dying in his car after a passing motorist had seen smoke coming from Peterson’s garage. Billy was also burnt: ‘His left arm was so badly burned that the skin rolled off. His genitals had been burnt to a crisp. His nose, mouth and ears were burned.’ And a plastic religious statue on the dashboard had melted in the intense heat. But nothing else was even singed—not even Peterson’s underwear.” An exploration of an astonishing mystery—Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC)—that has been historically shrouded in fear and misunderstanding. Includes plenty of case histories and scientific analysis. The author proposes a psycho-kinetic poltergeist theory as the cause of SHC, and relates it to telekinesis and other psychic powers. GR

Publisher: Skoob
Paperback: 396 pages

The Mothman Prophecies

John A. Keel

Fortean investigator and journalist Keel takes the documented facts about a series of UFO flaps over Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in 1973, and weaves them into a spine-tingling tale of true terror. It stars the sinister Men-in-Black, the “Mothman” (a giant winged creature with glowing red eyes) and mysterious aerial light formations—all descending on a small rural town for 13 months of sci-fi Walpurgisnacht. “Innocent people lived in surrealistic horror, haunted by the fearsome demonic ‘Bird’ and besieged by legions of strange beings. It is guaranteed to shake all of your beliefs and concepts of reality. It will open your mind to things you never dared to think about before. And it will scare the hell out of you!” GR

Publisher: IllumiNet
Paperback: 275 pages

Grand Illusions: The Spectral Reality Underlying Sexual UFO Abductions, Crashed Saucers, Afterlife Experiences, Sacred Ancient Sites, and Other Enigmas

Dr. Gregory L. Little

EMFs have landed. The author “continues to solve and piece together the most profound enigmas into a comprehensive and understandable theory” extrapolated from Carl Jung’s speculations. “For the answers to the enigma of UFOs and its associated phenomena,“ says the author, “lie not in the visitations of extraterrestrial beings like us. Something far deeper and more profound is going on… it’s time to assert that absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Not a shred of proof has ever appeared because the crashed saucers never happened.”
It’s an intelligent electromagnetic phenomenon, stupid! You just think you’re seeing E.T. and his pals! “Carl Jung referred to the force as archetypes—psychoid energy forms from the ultraviolet end of the light spectrum. John Keel occasionally called them Ultraterrestrials—intelligent energy forms residing on the ultraviolet end of the light spectrum. The ancients simply referred to them as a spiritual reality… The energy forms have an underlying intelligence and purpose that is intimately linked to what is happening in global affairs as well as with individuals.” GR

Publisher: White Buffalo
Paperback: 271 pages

Man-Made UFOs: 1944-1994 — 50 Years of Suppression

David Hatcher Childress and Renato Vesco

An ode to American, Soviet and Canadian government cover-ups of anti-gravity technology since the end of WW II that calls “ufology” a hoax and claims flying saucers are not from outer space but were secret vehicles of the master race, captured and developed by the Allies. “We know from reproductions of the drawings of Schriever, Bellanzo and Miethe that a flying-saucer project, no matter how primitive at the time, was definitely on the list of German military priorities.” This theory is then used to explain Foo Fighters, the Feuerball and secret Nazi underground bases in the Antarctic and goes on to cover Project Blue Book, suction aircraft, Athodyds, the AVRO-car, Marconi’s secret saucer base, and other esoteric enigmas. Illustrated with photos, drawings and magazine reprints. GR

Publisher: Adventures Unlimited
Paperback: 372 pages

The Philadelphia Experiment Chronicles: Exploring the Strange Case of Al Bielek and Dr. M.K. Jessup

Commander X

Philadelphia Naval Yard, Pennsylvania, 1943: “A megaton destroyer—the USS Eldridge—was made invisible, teleported into the blackness of another dimension, while its crew members were flung through time and space under horrifying circumstances. Most did not return and the few who did went instantly insane.” Cameo appearance by Nikola Tesla. Plus project technician Alfred Bielek’s story of being flung from 1943 to 1983 and back, then later sent back to 1927 to grow up all over again. GR

Publisher: Inner Light
Paperback: 137 pages

Roswell UFO Crash Update: Exposing the Military Cover-Up of the Century

Captain Kevin D. Randle (Retired)

Sincere attempt to keep the Roswell story straight, affidavits included. Introduces and debates the newest evidence: The Air Force’s Project Mogul balloon story (proves to be as lame as the first evidence); two Franciscan Catholic nuns who saw a bright object plunging to the ground (who’s gonna doubt two nuns?); the missing “Indiana Jones” archeologist who was rumored to have seen the wreckage; and the witness who says famed aviator Charles Lindbergh may have been to the crash site (Senate documents prove his presence in Roswell). Nice Fortean touch: The nuns’ story provides proof that the crash date was actually July 4, 1947—Independence Day! GR

Publisher: Inner Light
Paperback: 190 pages

The Space Gods Speak: Transmissions from the Solar Council

Ashtar Command

Love, advice and warnings from the “gods of the planets,” as channeled by the late Adelaide J. Brown of Los Angeles. God of Neptune: “The darkness around your planet is very thick and much light will be needed to break through it and drive it away.” God of Uranus: “Love—brotherly love—is coming forth into the world of humanity.” God of Saturn: “There is a shining light in our eyes that is seldom seen in the eyes of mankind. It is the light of the God-presence shining out.” Includes bonus messages from three undiscovered planets. GR

Publisher: Inner Light
Paperback: 64 pages