Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
John Taylor Gatto
“By stars and red checks, by smiles and frowns, prizes, honors and disgraces, I teach kids to surrender their will to the predestined chain of command.” FLA
Publisher: New Society
Paperback: 104 pages
En Route to Global Occupation
Gary H. Kah
Former “government liaison” exposes the Secret Agenda for World Unification. A Christian view of globalism, with a special focus on New Age groups coordinating with World Constitution and Parliament Association. Masons = Lucifer. Spy for God. FLA
Publisher: Huntington House
Paperback: 224 pages
Federal Reserve Conspiracy
Antony C. Sutton
To quote from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco help-wanted ad: “Some people still think we’re a branch of the government. We’re not. We’re the bank’s bank.” Sutton, publisher of The Phoenix Letter and the Future Technology Intelligence Report, was a professor of economics at Cal State in Los Angeles, and is a “strong constitutionalist” who “freely expresses his contempt for Washington’s usurpation of political power… but always based on facts. Chapters include: “The Bank’s Bank,” “Thomas Jefferson and the Money Power,” “Andrew Jackson: The Last Anti-Elitist President,” “The Jekyll Island Conspiracy,” “The Federal Reserve Today,” and more. FLA
Publisher: CPA
Paperback: 115 pages
Foundations: Their Power and Influence
Rene A. Wormer
Mind Control in the U. S. Prison System
Edited by Elizabeth Russell-Manning
“The Secret, Illegal and Unconstitutional Torture and Abuse of Prisoners (Through Non-Lethal Weaponry) by U.S. Department of Corrections, in Cooperation With NIJ, Senate and Congress.” A bound and xeroxed compilation of documents, complaints, press releases and articles. FLA
Publisher: Flatland
Paperback: 265 pages
Sovereign American’s Handbook
Johnny Liberty
Walter Bowart: Interview 3/12/95
Dave Emory
Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine
Robert O. Becker, M.D.
Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident or Genocide?
Dr. Leonard Horowitz
The most complete investigation to date on the biowarfare aspect of ready-made diseases. Examines the motivations of Henry Kissinger, Nelson and Laurence Rockefeller, the U.N. and the WHO in an insane plan to depopulate the Earth with ethno-specific diseases. Chapters include: “The World Health Organization Theory of AIDS”; “Cold War, Biological Weapons, and World Health”; “Interview With Dr. Robert Strecker”; “African Foreign Policy and Population Control”; “Henry Kissinger’s New World Order”; “Silent Coup in American Intelligence”; “The CIA/Detrick Operation”; “MK-Ultra and CIA Human Experimentation”; “The Nazi Roots of American Intelligence”; “The CIA in Africa”; “The Man-Made Origin of Marburg and Ebola.” Massively referenced, this book will recast the entire AIDS debate. FLA
Publisher: Tetrahedron
Hardback: 545 pages