The Yoni: Symbol of the Universal Feminine
Rufus C. Camphausen
A Sanskrit word, yoni translates as “womb,” “origin,” “source” and, more specifically, “vulva.” Female genitals are seen as a sacred symbol of the great Goddess, a symbol of the universal womb, the matrix of generation and the source of all. Rewriting history, male leaders established themselves as rulers and as actually able to give birth. Tracking examples of yoni symbology through cave art to modern day, this book includes yoni topography in graphic detail, including tantric practices, Near Eastern myths, and Tibetan visualization techniques linked to yoni reverence. Illustrations show some of the world’s finest, oldest and most diverse examples of yoni artwork up through contemporary works by such artists as Georgia O’Keeffe and Judy Chicago. CF
Publisher: Inner Traditions
Paperback: 144 pages