
Susie Bright

A new collection of essays, interviews and reviews, in which, among others, America’s favorite X-rated intellectual does Dan Quayle, Stephen King, Camille Paglia, Madonna, the Black Panthers and the GOP. AK

Publisher: Cleis
Paperback: 180 pages

Susie Sexpert’s Lesbian Sex World

Susie Bright

An honest and upfront look at the sexual and social lives of lesbians—from lipstick lezzies to straightforward butches and new-wave leather chicks. AK

Publisher: Cleis
Paperback: 156 pages

Best of Abbie Hoffman

Edited by Daniel Simon

Selections from Revolution for the Hell of It, Woodstock Nation, Steal This Book and new writings. The essential anthology from the man (one of the few from the ‘60s) who never stopped fighting. AK

Publisher: Four Walls Eight Windows
Paperback: 421 pages

Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman

Michele Wallace

Wallace blasts the sexist politics of the black nationalist movements of the ‘60s, showing how black women had been systematically demeaned by the nationalists’ patriarachal culture. This revised edition includes a new introduction surveying the controvery spawned by the book on its first publication in 1979. AK

Publisher: Verso
Paperback: 228 pages

Blood, Carnage and the Agent Provocateur: The Truth About the Los Angeles Riots and the Secret War Against L.A.’s Minorities

Alex Constantine

Excellent reporting on the riots and their aftermath and specifically on the use of provocateurs, spies and cover-ups by various arms of the secret state. Includes a postscript on similar activities in the Watts riots. AK

Publisher: Constantine Report
Paperback: 80 pages

Catechism of the Revolutionist

Sergei Nechaev

A ruthless set of “how-to” rules for the revolutionary. From the man who walked it like he talked it. Much loved by the Black Panthers but hated by everyone else. AK

Publisher: AK
Pamphlet: 12 pages

The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI’s Secret Wars Against Dissent in the U.S.

Ward Churchill and Jim Van der Wall

Fascinating dissection of the war against “subversives,” everything from assassinations to fomenting race wars. AK

Publisher: South End
Paperback: 468 pages

The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

The standard U.S. edition of international socialism’s most popular pamphlet. Marx before the Marxists intervened. AK

Publisher: Kerr
Paperback: 48 pages

Early Homosexual Rights Movement, 1864-1935

John Lauritsen and David Thorstad

The lost history of a movement generally thought not to have an early history. From the struggle against the German anti-gay legislation of the 1870s to the destruction of homosexual groups by Naziism and Stalinism. With abundant references to well-known gay pioneers, their defenders and their enemies. AK

Publisher: Times Change
Paperback: 121 pages

The History of an American Concentration Camp

Francis Feeley

A classic piece of social history. The story of the forced removal, and incarceration, of the Japanese-American population during World War II. Details not only the concentration camp in Pomona, Calif. but the whole strategy of dominance employed and the attempted destruction of an ethnic community. AK

Publisher: Brandywine
Paperback: 116 pages