
Excerpts from the Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File:

1932: Onassis, a Greek drug pusher and ship owner who made his first million selling “Turkish tobacco” (opium) in Argentina, worked out a profitable deal with Joseph Kennedy, Eugene Meyer and Meyer Lansky: Onassis was to ship booze directly into Boston for Joseph Kennedy. Also involved was a heroin deal with Franklin and Elliott Roosevelt.

1941-1945: World War II: Very profitable for Onassis, Rockefeller, Kennedys, Roosevelts, I.G. Farben, etc., etc. Onassis, selling oil, arms and dope to both sides, went through the war without losing a single ship or man.

1956: Howard Hughes, Texas millionaire, is meanwhile buying his way toward control of the U.S. electoral process—with a view toward his personal gain. He buys senators, governors, etc. He finally buys his last politician: newly-elected V.P. Nixon, via a quarter-million-dollar non-repayable loan to Nixon’s brother, Donald.

Early 1957: V.P. Nixon repays the favor by having IRS-Treasury grant tax-free, non-accountable money funnel or laundry, for whatever Hughes wanted to do. U.S. Government also shelved anti-trust suits against Hughes’ TWA, etc.

March, 1957: Onassis carries out a carefully planned event: he has Hughes kidnapped from his bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel, using Hughes’ own men (Chester Davis, born Casare in Sicily, et al.). Hughes’ own men either quit, get fired, or stay on in the new Onassis organization. A few days later, Mayor Cannon of Nevada (now Senator Cannon) arranges a fake “marriage” to Jean Peters, to explain Hughes’ sudden loss of interest in chasing movie stars. Hughes, battered and brain-damaged in the scuffle, is taken to the Emerald Isle Hotel, in the Bahamas, where the entire top floor has been rented for the “Hughes party”; there he is shot full of heroin for 30 days, and later dragged off to a cell on Onassis’ island, Skorpios. Onassis now has a much larger power base in the U.S. (the Hughes empire), as well as control over the V.P. Nixon and other Hughes-purchased politicians. L. Wayne Rector, “Hughes” double since 1955, becomes “Hughes.”

October, 1968: Jackie Kennedy was now free to marry Onassis. An old mafia rule: If someone welches on a deal, kill him, and take his gun and his girl: in this case, Jackie and the Pentagon.


“The Role of Richard Nixon and George Bush in the Assassination of President Kennedy” and “How Nixon Actually Got Into Power”

Paul Kangas and Mae Brussell

“Paul Kangas, who admits to having worked for Naval Intelligence, sketches in the whereabouts of Richard Nixon and George Bush on the day and the days following the JFK assassination.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds
Pamphlet: 8 pages

Conspiracy: The Definitive Book on the JFK Assassination

Anthony Summers

This massive book, laced with rare photos and oblique documents, pursues the Mafia-CIA link and addresses such matters as: Two men named the gunman they say killed Kennedy. Why did the Reagan Justice Department refuse to pursue the matter? Former chief of the CIA’s Western Hemisphere Division believed there was a conspiracy, carried out by “rogue” colleagues in intelligence. The president’s body was surgically altered to conceal evidence of a second gunman. And the author’s ace in the sleeve?—a Cuban woman who has sworn to tell all… and does. JB

Publisher: Marlowe
Paperback: 657 pages

Crime and Cover-Up: The CIA, the Mafia and the Dallas-Watergate Connection

Peter Dale Scott

A small masterpiece which renders understandable a Byzantine picture of internecine rivalries among government agencies and the intelligence apparatus, and the whole shabby interlinkage of conspiracy within conspiracies. From the master expert on the political, underworld and labor-union interrelationships in the complex framework of the assassinations in Dallas and elsewhere. AK

Publisher: Open Archive
Paperback: 80 pages

Deep Politics and the Death of JFK

Peter Dale Scott

A major, fact-filled statement on the JFK assassination and its implications in terms of an empirical view of both American and world politics. “Deep political analysis focuses on the usually ignored mechanics of accommodation. From the viewpoint of conventional political science, law enforcement and the underworld are opposed to each other, the former struggling to gain control of the latter. A deep political analysis notes that in practice these efforts at control lead to the use of criminal informants; and this practice, continued over a long period of time, turns informants into double agents with status within the police as well as the mob… Such dirty realities are not usually talked about in classrooms. But the mechanics of accomodation are important… in the area of political security, where security informants are first recruited, and eventually promoted to be double agents… A deep political system is one where the processes openly acknowledged are not always securely in control, precisely because of their accommodation to unsanctioned sources of violence, through arrangements not openly acknowledged and reviewed.”

Publisher: University of California
Paperback: 424 pages

Final Judgement: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy

Michael Collins Piper

This book offers even the most grizzled devotees of mayhem and mystery more than enough meat to chew on. In this strange twist of events, the focus shifts to Israel’s role in the assassination of JFK. The author walks the reader straight into the domain of Meyer Lansky, Mickey Cohen, and the Mossad, maintaining that Israel and its secret service had a reason to be opposed to JFK; and that Israel’s allies in the mob and the CIA were, in turn, interacting with one another and opposed to JFK; thus these forces were allied together in the JFK conspiracy. JB

Publisher: Liberty Library
Paperback: 352 pages

The Gemstone File

Edited by Jim Keith

“The Gemstone File is one of the wilder and woolier legends of research into political conspiracy. Penned by Bruce Roberts (of whom not a great deal is known other than the bare facts of his life and that he died, either by brain tumor or cancer, on July 30, 1976), this document of reportedly over 1,000 handwritten pages was passed on in part in 1975 to Mae Brussell, the now-deceased researcher into matters conspiratorial… The File was synopsized by Stephanie Caruana (a writer sent to interview Brussell by Playgirl magazine, who took and still takes Roberts’ revelations with utmost seriousness), and the condensed ‘A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File’ was then distributed at random and far and wide, reprinted, changed, parodied, added to, and variously hijacked by people heeding its call to make copies and spread them around. When people speak of the Gemstone File, they are usually referring to the ‘Skeleton Key,’ although the term is more correctly applied to Roberts’ original Gemstone letters… So what kind of information does the ‘Skeleton Key’ contain? It is a convoluted and feisty chronology purporting to be the inner track on some of the major events of the 20th Century: the Kennedy assassination, the tragedy at Chappaquiddick, and the strange and secret histories of Howard Hughes and Aristotle Onassis. The ‘Skeleton Key’ describes skullduggery and wheeling and dealing for high stakes indeed: the control of America.” In addition to “The Skeleton Key,” includes commentaries by Mae Brussell, Robert Anton Wilson, Kerry W. Thornley and others on the Gemstone File and its significance.

Publisher: IllumiNet
Paperback: 214 pages

JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot To Assassinate John F. Kennedy

L. Fletcher Prouty

“Colonel Prouty… sets the stage for Dallas in all its horror. He explains the true inner myth of our most staged public execution, the ‘Reichstag Fire’ of our era, behind whose proscenium, blinded by the light of surface-event television, the power of the throne was stolen and exchanged by bloody hands. He shows us that Kennedy was removed, fundamentally, because he threatened the ‘system’ far too dangerously. Colonel Prouty shows us the Oswald cover story and how it has successfully to this day, my movie notwithstanding, blinded the American public to the truth of its own history.” Alternative history source material for Oliver Stone’s JFK, from the hereforeto anonymous “X.” Thrill to a wide-ranging and nearly all-encompassing conspiracy theory that goes far beyond the JFK assassination. NN

Publisher: Birch Lane
Hardback: 366 pages

JFK: The Last Dissenting Witness

Bill Sloan with Jean Hill

“Hill, the woman in red in the Zapruder film, stood less than 10 feet away from the presidential limousine facing the now-famous grassy knoll. From there, she saw a gunman fire the shot that exploded the president’s skull. That gunman was not Lee Harvey Oswald. Despite years of inner turmoil and harassment from the Secret Service, FBI, CIA and the Warren Commission, this courageous Dallas schoolteacher has held firm to her belief that the truth must be known about what happened… Hill, the closest, most important surviving eyewitness to the assassination, is the last major witness to publicly dispute the findings of the Warren Commission.”

Publisher: Pelican
Hardback: 256 pages

Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza

Craig Roberts

As many have suspected, the School Book Depository was a lousy place to put a gun, unless one was planting a patsy. “The next shot came from the Dal-Tex building… The fifth shot came from the Book Depository, possibly from the roof. The sixth and final shot would not miss. It was the one fired by a man positioned behind the picket fence… west of the corner of the fence on the grassy knoll.” This is the shot that resulted in Kennedy’s head exploding. GR

Publisher: Consolidated
Paperback: 252 pages

The Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald

Compiled by Mae Brussell

“Determined to learn Oswald’s last words, his only testimony, The People’s Almanac assigned Brussell, one the leading authorities on the Kennedy assassination, to compile every known statement or remark made by Oswald between his arrest and death. The quotes, edited for space and clarity, are based on the recollections of a variety of witnesses present at different times and are not verbatim transcripts.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds
Pamphlet: 10 pages